Our practice offers DiamondTome™ Microdermabrasion. This new and improved service is recommended for anyone who wants more youthful looking skin.
What is Diamond Tome?
DiamondTome™ is a procedure that uses diamond chips and a controlled vacuum to exfoliate the skin With a continued series of treatments, your complexion may look smoother, brighter and more even in tone. This also allows anti-aging skin care products to penetrate the outer layer of skin with ease.
What are the benefits?
The results include healthier, more youthful-looking skin with a silky smooth feel. Skin improvement does vary depending on your individual skin quality but a difference is noticeable immediately, and results improve with multiple treatments.
Who is a candidate for this procedure?
Safe for all skin types, this treatment is virtually pain-free, using only sterilized or disposable instruments and producing only a slight amount of redness. Because there are no crystals being propelled onto the skin the DiamondTome™ allows areas closer to the eyes and fine lines and wrinkles around the lips to be treated.